The planets data

The following code creates a data frame with 3 variables (named planet, distance, and period) and 9 observations. This data frame encodes information about the 9 planets in the solar system.

planets = data.frame(
  period=c(88, 225, 365, 687, 4332, 10760, 30684, 60188, 90467)

Notes about this code:

  • planets is the name of the data frame
  • data.frame() is the command for creating a data frame
  • the data frame has three columns named planet, distance, and period
  • the column entries are created with the c() command.
  • the entries for a categorical variable such as the planet variable are enclosed, individually, with quotes.
  • the units:
    • distance is given in millions of miles from the Sun
    • period is given in Earth days (how long it takes the planet to make one revolution around the Sun)

Making a scatter plot

We can make quick and clear scatter plots using the built-in R command plot(), or higher quality plots using the package ggplot.

Using plot()

In the worksheet we choose distance to be the explanatory variable (\(x\)), and period to be the response variable (\(y\)). The plot() command produces a scatter plot:


But we should make our graphs more user friendly by adding a plot title and better axis labels:

     xlab="distance from sun (millions of miles)",
     ylab="period of revolution (earth days)",
     main="Planets in our solar system")

We can even change the look of the points, as discussed in the Data and Descriptive Statistics Tutorial

Using ggplot()

The tidyverse package (which you’ve already installed) comes with an excellent graphics package called ggplot. If you load the tidyverse into your RStudio session, you will be able to produce graphics with ggplot.

To load the tidyverse into your session, run this line:


With the tidyverse loaded, you are ready to use the ggplot functions for generating graphs.

Basic scatter plot with ggplot

ggplot(data = planets,aes(x=distance,y=period)) +

Adding color, labels, and changing themes.

ggplot(data = planets,aes(x=distance,y=period)) +
  xlab("distance to Sun (millions of miles)") + 
  ylab("period of revolution (Earth days)") +
  ggtitle("Planets in the Solar System") + 

The correlation coefficient

We use the cor() command:

## [1] 0.9889708

The least-squares linear model

Use the lm() command (“lm” stands for linear model). Running lm(y~x) where y and x are specified columns in your data frame will give the slope and \(y\)-intercept of the least-squares regression line:

## Call:
## lm(formula = planets$period ~ planets$distance)
## Coefficients:
##      (Intercept)  planets$distance  
##          -4578.8              24.1

So, the slope of the least-squares line is 24.1 and the \(y\)-intercept is -4578.8.

Better yet, assign a name to the lm() command, like fit, when you run it (as in the code below) and you have quick access to all sorts of useful information:

Command Result
fit$coefficients \(y\)-intercept and slope of least-squares line
fit$residuals list of the residuals
fit$fitted.values list of the predicted values \(\hat{y}\)

Plot the least-squares line

Using built-in R commands

RStudio likes to describe the \(y\)-intercept and slope of a line with the constants \(a\) and \(b\), respectively. As in \[y=a + bx,\] and the command abline(a= ..., b=...) will add a line with \(y\)-intercept \(a\) and slope \(b\) to a plot if you run these lines of code in succession:

     xlab="distance from sun (millions of miles)",
     ylab="period of revolution",
     main="Planets in our solar system")

Making a Residual Plot

We can plot the \(x\)-coordinates against the residuals and add a dashed horizontal line through \(y = 0\) with this code


In ggplot

With the geom_abline() command

Here are two approaches. The first adds the line with the geom_abline() command by manually entering the slope and y-intercept as found above:

ggplot(data = planets,aes(x=distance,y=period)) +
  geom_point(col="seagreen") +
  xlab("distance to Sun (millions of miles)") + 
  ylab("period of revolution (Earth days)") +
  ggtitle("Planets in the Solar System") + 
  geom_abline(slope = 24.1, intercept = -4578.8,col="dodgerblue")+

Using geom_smooth()

The second approach to fitting a line to data is to use the geom_smooth()command. The advantage here is that the code generates the line from scratch - you don’t have to manually enter the slope and \(y\)-intercept.

ggplot(data = planets,aes(x=distance,y=period)) +
  xlab("distance to Sun (millions of miles)") + 
  ylab("period of revolution (Earth days)") +
  ggtitle("Planets in the Solar System") + 
  geom_smooth(method='lm', formula=y~x, col="blue",size=.8,se=FALSE) +

Notice the new “classic” theme!

Bonus Round: A Better Model

The residual plot makes clear that, even though the correlation coefficient is very close to 1, a curved model is better, one that can be represented by a polynomial with a higher power of \(x\).

To find the nature of the curved fit, we begin by comparing log(x) to log(y).

Intermission: Logarithms

Recall, \(\log_{10}(x)\) = the power we need to raise 10 to in order to get \(x\). For instance, \(\log_{10}(100) = 2\) since 10^2 = 100$, \(\log_{10}(1000) = 3\), \(\log_10(1,000,000) = 6\), and \(\log_{10}(0.1)=-1\) since \(10^{-1} = \frac{1}{10}=0.1\).

End of Intermission

So, again, to find the nature of the curved fit, we begin by comparing log(x) to log(y), and see whether the association is linear.

  ggtitle("Plotting log(distance) vs log(period)")+

Does this plot look linear?

Heck yeah! Super linear, in fact.

If the log-log plot is linear, then the slope of the least-squares line for the log-log data will equal the power in the curved fit for \(y\) and \(x\).

##             (Intercept) log10(planets$distance) 
##              -0.3922215               1.5013054

Notice the slope of this linear model is about 1.5, and this explains why we chose the \(x^{1.5}\) for the curved fit in the last question of the R Regression activity.