We have discussed some basic data manipulation commands in base R in the data and descriptive statistics page.

The tidyverse includes the package dplyr, which is designed to help us readily tackle data manipulation tasks, including the sorts of tasks we will encounter in MATH 140.

I encourage you to reproduce all of the results on this page in your own RStudio session.

The Earthquakes data

The earthquakes data set is included in the package openintro associated with our text. This data set gives us information about all major 20th century earthquakes.

If you’ve installed the package openintro you can load the data set into your session by loading the package, and then entering earthquakes:

df <- earthquakes # this creates a copy of the 'earthquakes' data set called 'df'

Alternatively, you can load the data set into your session directly from its url:

df <- read.csv("https://www.openintro.org/data/csv/earthquakes.csv")

Here’s a quick peek. The data frame has 123 observations and 7 variables associated with the date an earthquake occurred, its location, its magnitude (richter), and the number of resulting casualties:

## [1] 123   7
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
##    year month      day richter area                        region    deaths
##   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                       <chr>      <dbl>
## 1  1902 April       19     7.5 Quezaltenango and San Marco Guatemala   2000
## 2  1902 December    16     6.4 Uzbekistan                  Russia      4700
## 3  1903 April       28     7   Malazgirt                   Turkey      3500
## 4  1903 May         28     5.8 Gole                        Turkey      1000
## 5  1905 April        4     7.5 Kangra                      India      19000

Intro to dplyr

To access the functions in dplyr, our data management package of choice, we load the tidyverse into our session:


The key to using dplyr is the %>% command, which I read as “then”, followed by an action, such as filter() or select(), which we discuss below.

For instance, I would read this code

lego %>% filter(pieces > 500) %>% arrange(desc(cost))

as follows: “take the ‘lego’ data set, then filter it to include just those lego sets with more than 500 pieces, and then arrange these sets by how how much they cost, in descending order.” Of course, the code above assumes I have a data frame entitled lego having columns named pieces and cost.

A brief list of commonly used dplyr action verbs:

dplyr command Description
select() selecting columns (variables)
filter() filter (subset) rows
mutate() create new variables (columns)
group_by() group the data
summarize() summarize or aggregate the data
arrange() sort the data
join() joining data frames


We use the filter() action to find those rows (observations) that meet some criterion for a variable.

For instance, the following code starts with the earthquake data frame df, then finds (via filter()) those earthquakes occurring in the region equal to the United States:

df %>% filter(region=="United States")
## # A tibble: 8 × 7
##    year month      day richter area                region        deaths
##   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>               <chr>          <dbl>
## 1  1906 April       18     7.7 San Francisco       United States   3000
## 2  1933 March       10     6.2 Long Beach          United States    115
## 3  1964 March       27     9.2 Alaska              United States    131
## 4  1971 February     9     6.6 San Fernando Valley United States     65
## 5  1989 October     17     6.9 San Francisco       United States     63
## 6  1992 June        28     7.3 Landers             United States      3
## 7  1992 June        28     6.5 Big Bear            United States     NA
## 8  1994 January     17     6.8 Northridge          United States     61

Note: We use the double equal signs == when we are searching for entries that match a particular value or character. We use a single equal sign (e.g., x = 4) to assign a value or character to a variable.

Question: Which earthquakes registered 8.0 or higher on the Richter scale?

df %>% filter(richter>=8.0)
## # A tibble: 12 × 7
##     year month       day richter area                   region        deaths
##    <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                  <chr>          <dbl>
##  1  1906 January      31     8.8 Esmeraldas (off coast) Ecuador         1000
##  2  1906 August       17     8.6 Valparaiso             Chile           3882
##  3  1907 October      21     8.1 Central                Asia           12000
##  4  1931 August       10     8   Xinjiang               China          10000
##  5  1933 March         2     8.4 Sanriku                Japan           2990
##  6  1934 January      15     8.1 Bihar                  India-Nepal    10700
##  7  1945 November     27     8   Makran Coast           Pakistan        4000
##  8  1946 December     29     8.1 Honshu                 Japan           1362
##  9  1950 August       15     8.6 Assam                  India           1526
## 10  1960 May          21     9.5 South                  Chile           1655
## 11  1964 March        27     9.2 Alaska                 United States    131
## 12  1985 September    19     8   Michoacan              Mexico          9500

After filtering, we can arrange() (sort) this list of earthquakes in descending order of magnitude on the richter scale:

df %>% filter(richter>=8.0) %>% arrange(desc(richter))
## # A tibble: 12 × 7
##     year month       day richter area                   region        deaths
##    <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                  <chr>          <dbl>
##  1  1960 May          21     9.5 South                  Chile           1655
##  2  1964 March        27     9.2 Alaska                 United States    131
##  3  1906 January      31     8.8 Esmeraldas (off coast) Ecuador         1000
##  4  1906 August       17     8.6 Valparaiso             Chile           3882
##  5  1950 August       15     8.6 Assam                  India           1526
##  6  1933 March         2     8.4 Sanriku                Japan           2990
##  7  1907 October      21     8.1 Central                Asia           12000
##  8  1934 January      15     8.1 Bihar                  India-Nepal    10700
##  9  1946 December     29     8.1 Honshu                 Japan           1362
## 10  1931 August       10     8   Xinjiang               China          10000
## 11  1945 November     27     8   Makran Coast           Pakistan        4000
## 12  1985 September    19     8   Michoacan              Mexico          9500

Question: Which earthquakes less than 6 on the richter scale caused the most fatalities?

We can use the head() command to list the top three:

head((df %>% filter(richter < 6)) %>% arrange(desc(deaths)),3)
## # A tibble: 3 × 7
##    year month      day richter area      region             deaths
##   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>     <chr>               <dbl>
## 1  1960 February    29     5.7 Agadir    Morocco             12000
## 2  1969 July        25     5.9 Guangdong China                3000
## 3  1931 April       27     5.7 Border    Armenia-Azerbaijan   2800

Question: Have any major earthquakes occurred in Japan in May?

df %>% filter(month=="May") %>% filter(region=="Japan")
## # A tibble: 0 × 7
## # ℹ 7 variables: year <dbl>, month <chr>, day <dbl>, richter <dbl>, area <chr>,
## #   region <chr>, deaths <dbl>

None! The table has 0 rows.

Here’s a table of earthquakes by month in Japan (which demonstrates that we can weave dplyr commands in with other beloved commands such as table()).

table((df %>% filter(region=="Japan"))$month)
##  December   January      June     March September 
##         1         2         1         2         2

Question: Find the average magnitude of major earthquakes in the US.

mean((df %>% filter(region=="United States"))$richter)
## [1] 7.15

It looks like the average is 7.15.


We can select() certain columns to display (and choose the order in which to display them). The code below creates a new data frame called df1, obtained from df by selecting just the region, richter, and deaths variables, in that order. Then we display the first 5 rows of df1.

df1 = df %>% select(region, richter, deaths)
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##   region    richter deaths
##   <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 Guatemala     7.5   2000
## 2 Russia        6.4   4700
## 3 Turkey        7     3500
## 4 Turkey        5.8   1000
## 5 India         7.5  19000


The mutate() command allows us to create new columns (or modify existing ones). Perhaps we want to consider the ratio ‘deaths/richter’ as a possible measure of earthquake preparedness for different regions. We can create a new column (let’s call it ratio) that records those ratios in a snap:

df <- df %>% mutate(ratio=deaths/richter)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##    year month      day richter area                        region   deaths ratio
##   <dbl> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>                       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
## 1  1902 April       19     7.5 Quezaltenango and San Marco Guatema…   2000  267.
## 2  1902 December    16     6.4 Uzbekistan                  Russia     4700  734.
## 3  1903 April       28     7   Malazgirt                   Turkey     3500  500

Summary statistics by group

Task: Create a new data frame called df_by_month that groups the earthquakes by month and record the following:

  1. how many earthquakes there were in each month,
  2. the average magnitude of earthquakes in each month, and
  3. the standard deviation of the magnitudes in each month.

df_by_month = df %>% 
  group_by(month) %>%
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
##    month      size   avg stdev
##    <chr>     <int> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 April         7  7.09 0.664
##  2 August       12  7.42 0.808
##  3 December     12  7.03 0.710
##  4 February      9  6.71 0.683
##  5 January      11  7.35 0.717
##  6 July         10  7    0.650
##  7 June          8  7.12 0.381
##  8 March        17  7.02 0.859
##  9 May          14  7.16 0.917
## 10 November      6  7.33 0.493
## 11 October       8  7.05 0.760
## 12 September     9  7.28 0.618

Note: This is a very useful thing to do. Later in the course we will regularly want to find the sample mean, sample size, and sample standard deviation across different groups like this.

Here’s a nice display of these summary statistics, which uses the package kableExtra, and also rounds the means and standard deviations to 2 decimal points using mutate():

df_by_month %>% 
  mutate(avg = round(avg, 2),
         stdev = round(stdev, 2)) %>%
  kable() %>%   
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped","hover"),
month size avg stdev
April 7 7.09 0.66
August 12 7.42 0.81
December 12 7.03 0.71
February 9 6.71 0.68
January 11 7.35 0.72
July 10 7.00 0.65
June 8 7.12 0.38
March 17 7.02 0.86
May 14 7.16 0.92
November 6 7.33 0.49
October 8 7.05 0.76
September 9 7.28 0.62

Combining dplyr with ggplot

The packages dplyr and ggplot2 are both a part of the tidyverse and can work together. For instance, we can make a plot on some version of the data frame first modified by dplyr.

Question: Make a line plot that shows the cumulative death count from 20th century earthquakes. By cumulative death count, we mean that for each year, we want to know the total number of deaths from earthquakes during the century up to and including that year.

df %>% mutate(cum_death=cumsum(deaths)) %>%
  ylab("cumulative major earthquake fatalities")

It looks like the 70s were particularly devastating. What are those two most devastating earthquakes?

head(df %>% arrange(desc(deaths)),2)
## # A tibble: 2 × 8
##    year month   day richter area     region deaths  ratio
##   <dbl> <chr> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1  1970 May      31     7.9 Chimbote Peru   700000 88608.
## 2  1976 July     28     7.5 Tangshan China  255000 34000

Note: The cumsum() command is a built-in R command that gives progressive cumulative sums of a vector.

## [1] 2 6 7 4 4 4 9

Cheat Sheet

The following page has a downloadable dplyr cheat sheet (pdf)