Professor of Mathematics
Linfied University

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More about me


  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Oregon, under Professor Mike Dyer
  • B.A. in Mathematics, Swarthmore College

Selected Publications

  • M.P. Hitchman, Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology, (2018 revision of the 2009 publication with Jones & Bartlett)

  • M.P. Hitchman, A Toolbox for Tackling Tiling Questions. (2017) In: Wootton A., Peterson V., Lee C. (eds) A Primer for Undergraduate Research. Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, Birkh"auser, Cham

  • A. Bright, G. Clark, C. Dunn, K. Evitts, M. Hitchman, B. Keating, B. Whetter, Tiling Annular Regions with Skew and T-Tetrominoes. Involve 10 (2017), no. 3, 505-521

  • M.P. Hitchman, The Story of 8, Math Horizons, November, (2017), 25, Issue 2, 16-17.

  • M.P. Hitchman, The Topology of Tile Invariants, Rocky Mountain J. of Math. 45, No. 2 (2015), pp. 539-563

Cross-section of Invited Talks

  • “On student-centered tiling research,” Special Session on Getting Started in Undergraduate Research, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Denver, CO (January, 2020)

  • “Tile invariants and 2-complexes,”, the Oregon State University Geometry-Topology Seminar (March, 2018)

  • “To Infinity and Beyond!”, an invited one-hour public lecture in the Jefferson County Pulblic Library Lecture Series, Port Hadlock, WA, (June 2017)

  • “Tile invariants for tackling tiling questions,” National University of Ireland, Galway, Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar, (October, 2016)

  • “Geometry and Detecting the Shape of the Universe,” Pacific University, Department of Mathematics Colloquium (Spring, 2013)

  • “Please (stop trying to) tile this region!” Willamette University, Department of Mathematics Colloquium (Fall, 2010)

  • “Geometry and Cosmic Topology”, Boise State University, Department of Mathematics Colloquium (Fall, 2008)

  • “Pictures, Groups, and Homotopy Theory”, University of Puget Sound, Mathematics/Science Seminar (March, 1997)

Workshops that helped with these projects

  • (Virtual) MAA, SIAM & TRIPODS Advanced Workshop in Data Science for Math Sciences Faculty (June 28-July 2, 2021)
    • More advanced techniques in the fields of data science, statistical learning, and machine learning, with collaboration on data science projects that involve accessing and cleaning large data sets and analyzing the data using data science methods.
  • PIC Math Data Science Workshop, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT (June, 2019)
    • An NSF funded four-day workshop for mathematical sciences faculty tasked with learning and teaching courses to prepare students for careers in data science.
  • UTMOST 2017 Textbook Workshop, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA (June, 2017)
    • An NSF-funded five day workshop focused on PreTeXt, the XML markup language I used to convert my geometry text to an open-content resource.